Forgot Login Name or Password

Forgot Password:Click Here

Forgot Login Name:

If you forgot your Login Name, you can click on the [Forgot Login Name?] button and enter your email address to receive a verification code mail from the system.After you enter the correct verification code, the system will list the accounts that match the bound email for you to choose.

※Your account must be previously bound to an email address in order to use this feature, If not, please contact "Support Email" for assistance.


Click "Forgot Login Name?" and enter the email address bound in your account

Go to your inbox to check your mail and enter the verification code you received

🔺If you don't see the letter, please check the spam section first, if you are sure you didn't receive it, please click Retrieve the verification code

After entering correctly, the system will list the accounts that match the bound emails for selection

Forgot Password:

If you forgot your password, you can click on the [Forgot Password?] button and enter your email address to receive a verification code mail from the system.After you enter the correct verification code, the system will pop up a reset password window for you to set.

※Your account must be previously bound to an email address in order to use this feature, If not, please contact "Support Email" for assistance.


Click "Forgot Password?"

Enter your login name and email

Go to your inbox to check your mail and enter the verification code you received

🔺If you don't see the letter, please check the spam section first, if you are sure you didn't receive it, please click Retrieve the verification code

After entering correctly, a window will pop upp and ask you to reset your new password, and then you can start using your new password to login.

Screen Freezes While Recording and Unable to Record

Your microphone may not be detected by the system. Please follow the steps below to see if your device has allowed MyET to access your microphone.


Please click the link below to see "How to set up and test microphones in Windows".

How to set up and test microphones in Windows

If you have followed the official instructions provided by Microsoft but there is still no green volume bar moving, your microphone is not working properly. Please check if the microphone and headset connectors are connected properly.


Select [Allow] to record when you see the following message.


When you see the following message, it means the microphone permission of the app is not enabled.

Go to [Settings] and scroll down to find and click [MyET].

Turn on the microphone permission and restart MyET.

If the problem cannot be solved, please contact our customer service and provide the following information:

  1. Type of Your Device (ex: Windows PC, Android or iPhone)
  2. Model of Your Device (ex: HP laptop 15s-du3004TX, Xiaomi 8 lite, i8 plus)
  3. Version of Your Device (ex: Win10, Android 9.0, ios 15.1)
  4. Version of Your MyET

Hard to Detect my Voice, I Have to Repeat Many Times


The microphone is located at the bottom of the device.Please avoid pressing the microphone, which may affect the recording quality.


The microphone of iPhone 6 / 7 series is located at the bottom of the device. Please avoid pressing the microphone, which may affect the recording quality.

The microphone of iPhone 8 / X / 11 / 12 / 13 series is located on the front side of the device.


The microphone of iPad is located above. Please avoid pressing the microphone, which may affect the recording quality.

Suggestion: Avoid pinching the microphone's hole when recording handheld.

Unable to Play the Course

Please clear the cache data from your device as follows:

PC (MyET 8.0 or below): Click Here

Android: Click Here


Please reinstall the latest version of MyET, and then log in again.

PC (MyET 8.1 or above):

Press the [Start] button and type %TEMP% and press Enter.

Find the Cache folder, right click > Delete.

Please log in to MyET again and enter the course.

PC (MyET 8.0 or below)

Clear the Cache file in IE.

( IE --> Tools --> Internet Options --> General --> Delete --> Delete all offline content)

Please login to MyET again and enter the course.


Long press MyET on the mobile desktop > select [App Info].

Then click [Storage].

Lastly, click [CLEAR STORAGE] -〔OK〕.

Close the settings and restart MyET.

※Depending on the phone model and Android version, there may be some differences in the setting interface.

If the problem cannot be solved, please contact our customer service and provide the following information:

  1. Type of Device (ex: Windows PC, Android or iPhone)
  2. Model of Device (ex: HP laptop 15s-du3004TX, Xiaomi 8 lite, i8 plus)
  3. Version of Device (ex: Win10, Android 9.0, ios 15.1)
  4. Version of Your MyET

Can't Find Your Class or Assignment

You may have chosen the wrong server! Please refer to the following steps of [Can't Find a Specific Server].

Can't Find a Specific Server

Can't Receive Certificates

It is possible that your MyET certificate / assignment notification letter was accidentally sent to the spam folder. If you don't find it in the spam folder, please follow the steps below to have the system send you a replacement certificate letter.

<Click here for phone>


Please log in to MyET and click on [My Scores].

Then click [My Certificate].

Select the course you want to send a certificate for, and then click the [Send] button.


Click [Me] in the lower right corner, then scroll down the screen and click [Certificate].

Select the course you want to send a certificate for.

Click [Send].

Enter your email address and click [Send].

Contest Related Questions

For contest related questions, please contact our customer service and provide the following information:

  1. Server Name
  2. Login Name
  3. Contest Name

Crash / Can't Launch App

If you have tried to reinstall the app and it still does not work.

please contact our customer service and provide the following information:

  1. Please describe as much as possible the steps you did that caused the problem.
  2. If you have a screenshot or video of the error, please provide it to us.
  3. Provide your "server name" and "login name".
  4. Please provide
    • Type of device (ex: Windows PC, Android or iPhone)
    • Model of Device (ex: HP laptop 15s-du3004TX, Xiaomi 8 lite, i8 plus)
    • Version of Device (ex: Win10, Android 9.0, iOS 15.1)
  5. Version of Your MyET

Other Questions

Is your question not in the list?
please contact our customer service and provide the following information:

  1. Please describe as much as possible the steps you did that caused the problem.
  2. If you have a screenshot or video of the error, please provide it to us.
  3. Please provide
    • Type of device (ex: Windows PC, Android or iPhone)
    • Model of Device (ex: HP laptop 15s-du3004TX, Xiaomi 8 lite, i8 plus)
    • Version of Device (ex: Win10, Android 9.0, iOS 15.1)
  4. Version of Your MyET

Can't Receive Assignment Notification Letter

It is possible that your MyET assignment notification letter was accidentally sent to the spam folder. If you don't find it in the spam folder, you may not be added to the class, or you haven't linked your Email to your account, so you cannot receive the notification letter. Please follow the steps below to check:

Check if you have been added to a class:

Please log in to MyET and click on [Homework] and view the [Groups I Joined] section.

※If (I haven't  joined any class) is displayed, you aren't enrolled in the class. Please contact your class teacher first.

Confirm that your account is set up with Email:

Please log in to MyET and click [Me] - "Login name".

Check if your mail is displayed in the "Email" section.

※If it is blank, please continue with the following steps:

a. Enter your email address and click "Verification".

b. "Get Verification Code"

c. Enter the verification code you received in your mail and click "Verification" again to complete.

Support Center

For inquiries about MyET(English), MyCT(Chinese), MyJT(Japanese).

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