Company Information

Company Name
UniLabs Inc.
Yutaka Maruyama
Date of Foundation
May 2, 2022
78.01 million yen
8F TWG Nihonbashi East II, 10-11 Nihonbashi tomizawa-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Tel: 81-3-5614-0205
Fax: 81-3-5614-0105

Main Bank
Mizuho Bank, Gotanda Branch
Business Content
AI conversation system development (voice analysis system development, etc.) and sales


President and CEO

Yutaka Maruyama

Graduated from Kyoto University Graduate School of Law and Doshisha University Graduate School of Commerce. (a SIer founded by Bill Gates and Jiang Zemin) as an executive officer. Director of UniBis Inc.