Effective Conversational Skill


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“Conversational Fluency” is a foreign language skill that is truly required in the business world.

Until now, there has been no system to objectively measure conversational ability in a foreign language, making it very difficult to find talented personnel who are good at conversational skills.

Therefore, we have prepared evaluation tests such as ESAT, JSAT, and CSAT to measure conversational and speech skills, and applications such as MyET (English), MyJT (Japanese), and MyCT (Chinese) to train speech skills.


Speech Proficiency Assessment System

The LSAT (Language Speaking Ability System) series is the world's only speech ability assessment system that uses AI to objectively measure foreign language speaking ability, and is available in ESAT (English), CSAT (Chinese), and JSAT (Japanese).


Speech Ability Training System

The system of LLabs is an online speaking training system that uses AI voice analysis technology and is used by more than 4 million people worldwide, and is available in MyET (English), MyCT(Chinese), and MyJT(Japanese).


About Us

UniLabs, Inc. is promoting not only the English speaking system "MyET" and Chinese speaking system "MyCT" but also the Japanese speaking training system "MyJT" to provide products and services for people all over the world who want to master Japanese conversation.